Monthly Archives: May 2009


To all of the Graduates.

You know who you are.

Minty eye drops

Yes, you read that right.  I just put some Rohto V eye drops in.

It’s definitely a cooling sensation.  One that’s refreshing and disconcerting at the same time.  I’m a little worried at the beginning because I’m just not used to my eyes being cold.  They’re not stinging or burning, they’re just cold.  After a few moments I really just woke up and I was ready to go.

Where, I didn’t know, but I was ready.  It’s a few minutes later and my eyes feel pretty good.

Overall, they are refreshing.  A little strange initially, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.  It’s mainly because it’s a new sensation.  But if you need to wake up in a hurry, these will help.

Great Advice from the Master

The Netflix Instant Queue is a handy way to watch some classic television.  Tonight, some Star Trek: The Original Series, wherein we find that Kirk imparts some fine advice to Charlie in the episode, “Charlie X.”

“There’s no right way to hit a woman.”

The previous episode, “Man Trap” features Spock striking a woman about the face no less than eight times.  Eight! Striking is an understatement, as he is really winding up from downtown and laying into her.

You really see some interesting interactions between Uhura and Spock in the very first episode.  It’s really great to see that.

I’m just saying.

On the go

Mobile blogging. Not just pico blogging or sending email to a secret address in wordpress. No, I’ve really wanted a solution for a while.

Getting a phone with a qwerty keyboard, while a start, isn’t exactly the most ideal way of writing a long piece.

The more I play with the e71, however, the more I find that I’m really enjoying the unlocked aspect of it.

Take this post, for example.

I’m using an Alphasmart NEO, which is essentially a word processor. It’s got an IR port on it. I’m going to send this text via infrared to the phone where it will be saved as a note.

From the note, I’ll select all (ctrl-A) then copy and paste (ctrl-C, and ctrl-V, respectively) into the wordpress mobile dashboard in the phone’s web browser.

If you’re reading this, then it worked.

How awesome is that?

Star Trek

The earliest memories I have of Star Trek, are of me watching The Original Series.

I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons where the Channel 6 would air Star Trek.  They were reruns, but I watched it every Sunday.  Occasionally, it would be back to back episodes of Star Trek followed by a Godzilla movie.  Those were really good days.

I remember Spock’s Brain, and the creature made out of silicon.  Mudd’s women and Charlie and his crazy powers.  I remember the Pon Farr and crazy goateed versions of the crew.  And then there was the Nazi Germany episode.


Most prevalent in my recollections is the fight music.  I recall hearing that quite a bit in Trek “Classic.”  Bum bum BUM BUM BUM BUM BUMBUM bum bum.

Star Trek was my first real introduction to the deeper themes that could be explored in science fiction.  The people who were white on one side and black on the other hating the other “race” of people that were white and black on the opposite sides.  Not too subtle, but probably fairly controversial in the late 1960s.

Kind of similar to how BattleStar Galactica managed to have an entire season based in Palestine New Caprica.


But Star Trek, the new movie has none of that.  That’s not a strike against it by any means.  What it does have is a solid plot, characters that manage to be both faithful and new at the same time, and they manage to do a little trick which works it into the canon while managing to act as a reboot.

And I bought that bit, which was astonishing to me.  I mean, they presented it in such a way that I couldn’t stop from chuckling in the theater, but I still gladly suspended my disbelief and had a great time with the movie.

This is a day one purchase for me, with a showing at movie night that week.  It’s that good.